From the Desk of BillyBean BeanieWeenie
This last Saturday was a big day for me. I’ll start from the beginning…..
It started off like any other day - a quick pee & poop, a few minutes rolling around & biting at my siblings then a bowl of crunchy little kibble appeared that we all tucked into - then a nice nap. But then our Nanny woke me up & took me into the living room where I was introduced to my people! Doggy Mommy & Doggy Daddy sat on the floor and played with me (SUPER fun!), and then my brothers & sisters came in and we all ran around & chased each other. It was all going swell and I was really having a ball - but then my People stood up and took me out the door with them! WITHOUT MY BROTHERS & SISTERS! That’s when I totally LOST IT. Started WAILING. HOWLING!!! But then something magical happened….Doggy Mommy pulled something out of a bag in her purse and it had the most lovely smell. It smelled just like my momma, brothers & sisters, and it gave me SUCH comfort. In fact, I immediately stopped my howling and snuggled up with my Puppy Soother and fell asleep. You see, Doggy Mommy is SO clever. I didn’t know this at the time, but about a week before they came to pick me up Doggy Mommy sent Nanny a Puppy Soother. In fact, I remember when Nanny put it in the nursery with us. We all rolled on it, chewed on it, played with it (and under it!) and slept on it. When we arrived at my new home Doggy Mommy put the puppy soother in my bed, & whenever I got a little unsure I just went in my bed & snuggled up with my Puppy Soother. And when it was time to go to sleep that night having the Puppy Soother to snuggle with helped me fall asleep and dream about all the fun times in the nursery. In fact, it was such a comfort that I didn’t cry EVEN ONE TIME my first night in my new home. I was such a big boy!
Learn more about Puppy Soothers here: www.WeenieWarmers.com/products/puppy-soothers