Holiday Card Tips & Tricks
When it comes to sending Season’s Greetings, the best Christmas cards include our furry family members. As you gear up for the holidays, use these Christmas card ideas along with our top tips and tricks to get paws-itively perfect festive photos.
Tip #1: You'll need an outfit. We suggest a Santa Hat or a pair of Holiday Jammies
Tip #2: Plan to only spend 10 minutes on the photo shoot. Like very small children, you pup has a limited attention span. They also respond to bribes, so be sure to have their favorite treats in hand. To get your dog's attention, hold their favorite treat right above the camera.
Tip #3: Take LOTS and LOTS of pictures. Don't wait for the perfect pose, just get them in place and start snapping away. You can sort through them and edit later.

Tip #4: If your pup isn't comfortable wearing clothes or hats then opt for a holiday edition Weenie Warmer or Doggy Dream Blanket to give the picture a festive look. A Holiday Bow Tie is super comfortable for your dog because it's small and lightweight.
Tip #5: It doesn't have to be perfect - if your adorable dog is in the picture it is guaranteed to bring a smile to anyone lucky enough to get your holiday greeting.